Bob Hawke's joke

Not long before he became Prime Minister of Australia,
and long before political correctness was ever heard of, Bob Hawke told
this joke to 700 people at a Melbourne dinner function;
The Indian PM Indira Gandhi was looking for a way to divert
attention from the political and economical mess of her government and
one of her staff suggested a national lottery. The idea was accepted,
the lottery was organized and the whole of India bought tickets in the
hope of winning one of the three mystery prizes.
The draw was done in a large stadium, watched by millions of people.
First the third prize was drawn; a first class ticket around the world
on Air India, the winner was pretty happy with this. Then the second
prize was drawn; a fruit cake. The winner was not happy, he complained
that the third prize was better, and normally one would expect the second
to be larger than the third.
The compere explains; oh, but this is a special fruit cake, it was baked
by Mrs. Gandhi!
To which the winner replies; F%#*! Mrs. Gandhi!
The compere; oh no, that is first prize!
The Indian High Commissioner was not impressed.....
Julia Gillard's joke

Julia Gillard's partner's joke

Julia's partner Tim told a team of Indian criket players
a joke while they were at a party at his house.
The punch line was that if you need a prostate test you should preferable
have it done by a small female Asian doctor.
The Indian cricketers laughed, but Julia cringed, and it made the national
headlines as the unappropriatest joke in ages.
The Dalai Lama Joke

Oh boy, I knew that wasn't gonna work....
In June 2011 Australian "Today" show host Karl
Stefanovic sat down with the Dalai Lama during his tour of the continent
down under. For some bizarre reason he decided to tell him a joke:
"The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop," and says, 'Can you
make me one with everything?'
It was met with a blank stare from the Dalai Lama so he told it again,
this time a bit slower, and when the Dalai Lama failed to laugh again
he buried his face in his hand and admitted defeat.
The failed joked went viral in the world news around the planet, most
people could not believe that someone could tell such a bad joke to
a revered spiritual leader.

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