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User agreement for this website

This website is available for your enjoyment free of charge, on the following conditions;

1. - A sense of humour is required from users of this website. Information is provided in a light hearted casual manner with a bit of Aussie humour, if you do not have any sense of humour you are not allowed to browse this site.

2. - Many links to other sites are provided to help you plan your travels and do research on Australia. These links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites as it is not possible for us to monitor them. If you have a complaint about a linked website we would like to hear about it and will take appropriate action where relevant.

3. - We receive material from our readers who like to add to this site to show off their country. Opinions or views expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the owners of this site and no responsibility is accepted, should anything on this site upset you please contact us and we will listen and make adjustments where appropriate.

4. - If you have seen anything on this website that you think you own copyright to please send us an email and we will investigate. We respect ownership of material but it is not possible to check all emailed contributions by our readers.
Also be aware that in copyright legislation there is such a thing as "fair dealing", the equivalent of "fair use" in the USA, which allows for copyrighted material to be used for the purpose of parody, review, news reporting or evaluation with acknowledgement of the source or owner of the material.

5. - If you have sent us information or photos please note that placement can not be guaranteed and is subject to approval and suitability. Information and photos published will be acknowledged with a link to the sender. (Only if you wish, not everyone wants this, let us know when you send things). There is no guarantee to how long your entry will remain on this site, we reserve the right to edit entries and/or delete entries if they become obsolete or are no longer relevant.

6. - If you send us information or photos you must have the copyright to this material, please do not get us in trouble by posting material that is owned by others. If you send in photographs it is understood that you give us permission to publish the photograph on our website, for an indefinite time.

7. - This is a website on a very big country and we rely on traveling public and business owners to supply us with information and updates.
Information on this site is supplied to you free of charge and not everything can be verified or guaranteed to be correct and while we endeavour to serve travellers with the right and up to date information we accept no liability for any loss or injury whatsoever arising from following information published on this site. The only guarantee we can give you is that information on this site is not complete, and never will be, Australia is simply too big and we cover too many categories and subjects.

8. - If you like any image on our website and would like to use it on your site please contact us.
We do not want you to use any of our images or content without prior arrangement.
Occasionally we find that someone hotlinks to our images, our webmaster takes great delight in replacing these images with funny or rude ones making your site look pretty silly!

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