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Lion's Den Hotel

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
Entrance to the Lion's Den Hotel

The Lion's Den Hotel is situated on the coastal road from Cairns to Cooktown, about four km. south of where the coast road joins the inland road. You simply can not drive past this one, a stop here is an absolute must to admire the collection of memorabilia and of course to have a cold beer to wash down the dust inhaled on the road. It has been known to happen that one beer led to another, and another, and a few more. Not to worry, they also have some safari tent style accommodation here nestled between the trees if you do get stuck here.

( Click pics to enlarge )

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
The welcome sign to the pub

No dogs!

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
Some local artwork on the way in

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
The bar!

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
A few memorabilia

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
A good collection of beer bottles

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
A few skulls to decorate the ceiling

lions den hotel in north queensland near cooktown
Crocodile skull and video recorder

lions den hotel
The front verandah





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