Amazing Australian Books
Plenty of books are published in Australia
every year, below we have started a small selection of the most
amazing ones, though we expect this page to get a lot longer!
And the internet has book shopping easy, Amazon is the world's
biggest and longest running online book seller, but closer to
home in Australia we have The Nile and the ABC Shop with a fantastic
selection of books.

here for a selection of books on Australia
The Latham Diaries
Before it even hit the book shops the whole country was
already talking about it; The Latham Diaries.
In this amazing book Mark Latham manages to insult just about
every senior Labor politician, from the current party leader
Kim Beazley all the way back to Gough Whitlam.
Some highlights of his latest book include;
- Richard Butler; has not resigned as Governor of Tasmania
but was sacked for getting pissed at the Royal wedding in
- Kevin Rudd; treacherous, nasty piece of work, addicted to
the media and leaking. A junior minister in government, at
- Kim Beazley; indecent, dirty dog, stands for nothing and
does nothing.
- Amanda van Stone; junker guts.
- Bob McMullan; combover
- Bob Carr; A grade asshole
John Howard's party thought this book was the best thing since
sliced bread and they thoroughly enjoyed it. Mark Latham is
the author of five other books on Australian public policy,
including Civilising Global Capital (1998) and From the Suburbs
(2003). |
the Latham Diaries from the online Aussie bookshop The Nile
A Fortunate Life
True story of the life and adventures of Albert Facey in
the early 1900s who worked on the Kalgoorlie goldfields, outback
cattle stations and fought in the Second World War. The book
was originally published by the Fremantle Arts Press in 1981.
Later it was published by Penguin and became so popular that
it sold over a quarter of a million copies and was made into
a TV mini-series. He wrote his book in the town of Wickepin,
about 200 km south east of Perth where you can visit his house
which is now the premier tourist attraction of this town.
A Secret Country
Book by John Pilger that looks indepth at Australians dirty
secrets like the white Australia policy, the dismissal, treatment
of aboriginals etc. It makes for interesting comparison with
our history books. |
Bank Robbery for Beginners
19 Year old Aussie boys Luke Carroll
and Anthony Prince from Byron Bay were in the US on a snowboarding
holiday when they came up with the brilliant idea to rob a
bank and then fly to Mexico with the cash, like you always
see in the (cheap) movies.
Armed with BB guns that appeared to be pistols they went to
the local bank in Vail, Colorado, and managed to get the amount
of $US132,000 from the tellers.
Unfortunately they left such a wealth of clues that police
had established their identities in less than ten minutes
and they were arrested in no time at all and made the news
headlines as the Dumb And Dumber couple, relating to Jim Carey's
movie of two idiots on a road trip.
Blunders included choosing a bank where they were known, not
disguising their Aussie accents, buying a fancy Rolex watch
with a mountain of $5 notes in a nearby shop just after the
robbery, giving a taxi driver a 20 grand tip, forgetting to
take off their work name tags, etc.
They served five years in a US prison before making it home
to Oz again.. |

Buy this book at Amazon.com
Climate change
Is climate change really happening and does
it matter? The answer from the scientific community is a resounding
yes, yet debates about the reality of climate change and what
measures to take are slowing our response. Barrie Pittock,
one of the world’s leading climate researchers, argues
that we need to act urgently to avoid increasingly severe
climate change.
Climate Change: Turning up the Heat explains how our attitudes
to risk and uncertainty – constant companions in life
– influence our decision making and, ultimately, how
much we and future generations stand to lose from rapid climate
change. Our climate takes a long time to alter so what we
do now will have impacts decades later; we must encourage
market forces to think long term.
info... |
In a sunburned country
Bill Bryson has written a few books about Australia,
from the perspective of an outsider, observing the funny,
interesting, and quirky things that make Australia. |
Manning Clark
Historian that died in 1991 who wrote A History Of
Australia; a publication in six volumes about white settlement in
Matt Zurbo
Matt Zurbo once did comedy with a bloated ex-wrestler
called the Perculator and dominatrix, Mz Velvet Black. Other
than that his life is quite strange. He balances life as a
bush worker, harvesting tree ferns and regenerating temperate
rainforest, in the ranges behind the Great Ocean Road, surfing
badly and playing bush footy, with his writing and drawing.
He is not an international man of mystery, just very vague.
He’s into live music and has a dog called Bucket.
He has written and published a numer of books, ranging from childrens
books to novels for adults and a music CD. |
Originally from New Zealand, but
now living in Australia, Meliors makes artist books.
These are definitely not your standard format books, as you
can see on the right.
You can view and buy Melior's work online through art websites
like Etsy
and Redbubbles
or keep up to date with her latest work on her website meliors.net

Peter Carey
Now lives in New York but wrote some good books about
Australia, we especially liked ' The true history of the Kelly Gang
'. Based on historical records and diaries this book gives us an
insight in to the hard life in the late 1800's where Irish ex-convict
settlers are continuously harrassed by the corrupt police (of English
background ) who are always out to jail them for theft or other
crimes, no matter if they have done them or not. Ned Kelly has several
run-ins with them, has a wild life with plenty of fights and a drunk
uncle that burns down the family house, he does his first jail time
at fifteen, and although he usually does his best to abide by the
law, he shoots his first man at the age of fifteen to defend a bushranger
Ned sticks to working on the family farm and honest paid employment
as much as he can but with the police who hate the Irish making
up criminal charges from time to time he simply can't help getting
in trouble with the law from time to time.
The Bugle's Dictionary
This book has been described as the filthiest book
in Australia, Melbourne-based author Andrew Pegler has managed to
compile over a thousand descriptions of genitalia, copulation and
bodily functions.
The Day My Bum Went Psycho
42 year old Melbourne author Andy Griffiths cashes in on
the fact that children usually find farting and anything to
do with it extremely funny and has written several mega selling
epic works so far. "The day my bum went psycho"
was such a success that he followed it up with another literary
marvel titled "Zombie bums from Uranus". In 2003
Andy had no less than seven books in the Australian book top
15, and sold more than 180,000 books that year bringing in
over $2 million dollars! For 2005 he has planned another epic;
Bumageddon; the final conflict. Also American kids loved his
books but the title was adapted to Zombie butts
from Uranus. |
The Fatal Shore
In this book Robert Hughes describes the history of
convict life in Australia in a very good way.
The Peaceful Pill Handbook
Australian doctor Philip Nietschke became famous for his
views that people who are beyond saving by medical science
and who are suffering pain should be allowed to die, he pushed
his views through to the point where he assisted some people
to end their lives and even invented a machine that produced
carbon- monoxide that people could use to end ther lives but
customs officers confiscated this machine when he was on his
way to a conference in the U.S. He was also involved in introducing
the Northern Territory's euthanasia laws that were overturned
within several weeks by Federal Government, only three terminally
ill people had been able to utilize the law to end their suffering.
In 2004 he launced his suicide pill and a film about a 79
year old American academic woman who was healthy but had decided
she wanted to die before turning 80.
He wrote a book titled ' The Peaceful Pill Handbook ' but
had his first print run confiscated at customs arriving back
from the U.S. , later the Office of Film and Literature Classification
cleared the book and he was allowed to print and distribute
the book in Australia. |
If you're in Australia then check out this online
Aussie book shop to save on freight:
Do you know of any amazing Australian books? Then
tell us!