Lots of interesting politicians occupy Parliament House
in Canberra and other state and local governments in Australia
In Australia it is against the law to ride a bicycle
when you're drunk but it is perfectly acceptable to run a country when
you've been drinking !
In most jobs in private industry you would be fired for drinking on
the job but in politics this is widely accepted, and from time to time
the Australian media treats us to reports on drunken politicians who
at times even attack eachother in parliament. One time the opposition
in the NSW parliament attempted to move a motion that politicians should
not be allowed in the parliamentary chamber under the influence of alcohol
but this motion was defeated !!!!
Queensland's Labor Government abolished a law in 2006 that makes it
illegal to lie for a politician, but the LNP Government re-instated
this law in 2012.
It is not cheap to have all these politicians, they get paid for domestic
and overseas travel, chauffeur-driven and self-drive vehicles, electorate
allowances and staff. The bill for this in 2010 is no less than $373
million, if you divide that by 226 federal politicians that works out
to $1.65 million each!!
You would think that Federal Parliament, with 226 members, each with
an average of five staff , adding up to nearly $400 million in salaries
alone, would be bristling with well-researched policy ideas. If
the Productivity Commission looked at Federal Parliament, its report
would read like that to the parents of a recalcitrant schoolboy truant
– too busy teasing other kids to get on with solid schoolwork. But
all these politicians manage to keep Australia failry democratic. In
2010 Australia was rated the sixth most democratic country in the world,
Norway was the democraticest country, our Kiwi neighbours were slightly
democraticer than us at number five, and North Korea wasdown the bottom
as the world's undemocraticest country.
Some of the amazing antics of Australian politicians over the years
include being found without pants in a US hotel lobby, holding beer
drinking world records, assault, sex offences, jail time, completely
disappearing, lying (to be expected), paying hookers with work credit
cards, the F bomb on live TV, and a north Queensland Mayor lived for
years comfortably on grid electricity while blocking access to electricity
for his constituents around him who had to live with candles, kero lamps
and generators as if they were in sub-Saharan Africa and not Australia!
And as another illustration on how bizarre the world of politics is;
in March 2012 it was announced that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
was seeking to become and Australian senator, the fact that he was under
house arrest and facing jail time depending the outcome of ongoing investigations
is legally no impediment to him becoming an Australian politician! While a few American customs tend to blow over the
Pacific to be adopted in Australia one has not yet taken hold and that
is actors going into politics. Although Americans are happy to vote
for Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronald Reagan, most Australians
still find it hard to imagine people like Kylie Minogue or Crocodile
Dundee to do a decent job as Prime Minister.
Mark Latham tried by by recruiting rock singer Peter Garrett, but was
unsuccesful in getting other well known Aussies on board.
Never mind, our current pollies are entertaining enough, and below you
will find a selection of retired, fired, current, wanna be, and wanted
to be politicians.......
Amanda Vanstone
Amanda Vanstone
Amanda Eloise Vanstone was born on 7 December 1952 in Adelaide
and was a Liberal Senator for South Australia from 1984 to 2007, elected
as the youngest member at age 32. In 1996 she was the only woman in John
Howard's cabinet. She held several ministerial portfolios in the Howard
Government, the most tumultuous as Minister for Immigration marked by
many controversies within the Department of Immigration and Multicultural
and Indigenous Affairs, one of them the Cornelia
Rau case.
She abolished the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission calling
it a corrupt bureaucracy and was never afraid to use strong language or
offend interest groups. Over the years she has been described as "junker
guts" in Mark Latham's book, and as "having the hairiest box
ever seen on a woman" by Wayne Swan.
She resigned from politics on 26 April 2007 and in June 2007 she moved
to Europe where she is now Australia's Ambassador to Italy where diplomatic
relations between Australia and Pakistan were tested but survived when
her dog Gus bit Pakistan's envoy Tasnim Aslam.
A Senator for Queensland since 1997, and currently
Deputy Leader and Party Whip of the Australian Democrats, Senator
Andrew Bartlett was born August 1964 in Brisbane Queensland where he has
lived all his life. He is one of the few Aussie politicians to have had
the foresight to register his name as a .com, John Howard and many others
have missed out.
In December 2003 this Australian Democrats leader made the headlines after
he had a few drinks and, inside the federal parliamentary chamber in Canberra,
assaulted and abused Liberal senator Jeannie Ferris, calling her a f#*&#!
bitch. The argument was over a few bottles of wine allegedly taken from
a Christmas party. After this he decided to take eight weeks off work
to dry out for which he was paid $27000,-
Andrew spent December 2003 not drinking but in December 2004 he also decided
to stop eating and joined Iranian refugees that were about to be deported
in a hunger strike. As a consistent and vocal campaigner for refugees
and asylum seekers, he is the only Australian parliamentarian to have
visited every refugee detention centre in Australia as well as those on
Christmas Island and Nauru, where he went twice to meet with
detainees. Click here for more info
on his strong record on human rights and social justice issues, animal
rights and the environment or visit his
official website for more info.
Andrew Olexander
In 2002, MP Andrew Olexander, 39, told the Victorian Parliament
that 80 people died on Victorian roads each year as a direct result of
alcohol. "When you have those sorts of statistics you have to consider
the effect this will have on the lives of the individuals involved, on
the lives of innocent people and their families and friends," he
Two years later, at 5 am on July 2004 he crashed his taxpayer funded car
into three cars parked in a Port Melbourne street, including an Alfa Romeo,
a VW Golf and A Mitsubishi Galant, resulting in a damage bill of more
than $70,000 . Police attending the scene could not get a proper breathalyzer
reading out of the bit of air he puffed so he was taken to St Kilda police
station where bloodtesting revealed a blood-alcohol reading above 0.15
- more than three times the legal limit! He was also admitted to The Alfred
hospital but soon after he dashed from a back exit to a waiting car, he
also resigned from portfolio responsibilities as spokesperson for the
arts, consumer affairs and youth affairs ( though did not give up any
pay entitlements). Together with Jim Forbes, his secretary and gay lover
that shares his farm house and office, the pair kept raking in $190,000.-
Barnaby Joyce
Photo from aph.gov.au
Born on 17 April 1967 in Tamworth, NSW and worked as a farm
worker, rural banker and accountant until he was elected to the Senate
for Queensland in 2004 (his term began in July 2005) with the Nationals.
He became a sudden celebrity occupying a good part of the daily TV news
in September 2005 when John Howard wanted to sell off the remaining half
of Telstra and political parties were 50/50 divided with Barnaby Joyce
being in the middle as the crucial vote. He managed to keep the deal on
hold for some time negotiating a better deal for people in "the bush",
(as Australia outside the cities is known). But when even the National
Farmers Federation approved the deal Barnaby could not hold it off any
longer and gave his Yes vote. In April 2006 he also came up with the idea
that Australia should start mining Antarctica before another country would.
Visit his official
website for more info.
Bill O'Chee
Bill O'Chee was the Nationals Senator for Queensland, he
started his career in politics at a young age and managed to retire in
his early thirties on well over a million dollars. Divided his time and
energy between politics and training his bobsleigh techniques after hours
on the ramps in the parking garage of Parliament House.
Billy Gordon
Billy Gordon won the seat of Cook in north Queensland in
the January 2015 elections, but soon after the shit hit the fan.
A criminal history including break ins and unlicensed driving led to the
new Queensland government dumping him from the Labor party.
Soon after two of his ex-partners came forward with stories of domestic
abuse and non-payment of child support in TV interviews on a Current Affair.
The new Labor government wanted him to resign from politics all together
so a by-election could be held but he insisted to carry on as an independent.
A survey in April 2015 found that 62% of Queenslanders wanted him to resign.
He is not often seen and many people wonder where he is and what he does.
In June 2015 the news came out that the police investigation cleared him
of the domestic violence allegations because they could not obtain enough
This scandal had barely disappeared when the next one hit the media; several
women complained of receiving photos of his genitals on their mobile phones.
And the next one hit the headlines in June 2016 when he was caught drink
driving at nearly double the legal limit and did not even have a valid
driver licence!
Bob Brown
Photo from bobbrown.org.au
Born in 1944 in Sydney, worked as a doctor for 11 years,
then moved to Tasmanian life-long activist, Tasmanian senator and then
Federal Senator Bob Brown is one of the few Australian politicians to
have spent time in jail, not for corruption as you would expect from a
politician, but for protecting the environment.
As the director of the Australian Wilderness Society he was one of the
leading forces to block the damming of the Franklin River in Tasmania
in 1982 and 1983. 1500 people were arrested and 600 jailed, Bob was one
of them and spent 16 days in Risdon Prison, and was elected to Tasmanian
Parliament on the day of his release! The blockade was succesful and the
Franklin river was protected in 1983.
Bob has introduced many initiatives over the years, not all of them made
it but he tried to lower parliamentary salaries (how to make yourself
unpopular with the other politicians!), tried to ban semi-automatic weapons
seven years before the Port Arthur massacre
and overturned the law that made it a crime for gay men to have sex in
Tasmania. (He is gay himself so there was a bit of self-interest there).
He has also been shot at, had his car burned and been jailed twice for
trying to stop the Tarkine wilderness from being logged. He has been a
driving force in the establishment of the Australian Greens party and
has written several books, the latest one being 'Memo for a saner world'
Bob was also removed from the parliamentary chamber by security guards
during a speech by U.S. president George W. Bush in October 2003, because
he dared to open his mouth during the speech on free speech!
In April 2012 he surprised everyone by suddenly resigning and retiring,
after pushing the carbon tax in to legislation, and before the real effect
of the tax will be felt.
The carbon tax might be a nice idea but in a world where poor developing
countries pollute without any disregards for nature, and China opens two
coal fired power stations per week, the effects of Australia polluting
a few percent less is so miniscule that it is not worth the financial
pain. And when it becomes more expensive for Australian manufacturers
to produce goods thanks to this carbon tax more jobs will go overseas.
Bob Carr
Bob Carr
After a stint as New South Wales Premier he became Australia's
Foreign Minister, and in October 2012 he ecstatically announced to the
world that after five years of lobbying and $24 million of taxpayers money
spent, it had managed to beat other worldpowers such as Luxembourg, and
Australia had been given a seat for two years on the UN Security Council.
Bob Carr said that this was money well spent and it was not a big amount,
but Tony Abbott rightfully questioned the wisdom of all this, and we also
wonder how all these millions of dollars spent just to be able to stick
your nose in to other people's business for two years, is going to improve
the lives of the Australian taxpayers that paid for all this.
Bob Hawke
Photo from nma.gov.au
Managed to combine the positions of Prime Minister of Australia
and a place in the Guinness Book of Records for beer drinking. In 1955
he drank 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds at University College, Oxford.
He is also remembered for crying in public, dumping his missus of 40 years
and declaring that by 1990 no Australian child will live in poverty. Now
in 2003 the National Coalition Against Poverty claims more than two million
Aussies are living below the poverty line, including 680,000 children.
Also floated the dollar in 1983 which crashed from U$90c to U$57c. He
became the only Labor Prime Minister to have been removed by his own party
while still in office, when successfully challenged by Paul Keating in
December 1991. Before his political career when he was a union boss, he
managed to secure the release of Frank Sinatra from Sydney. Frank had
made the mistake of referring to Aussie journalists as 'two dollar hookers'
and union members laid siege to his room, refused to service his room
and airlines refused to fly him out, lucky Bob Hawke was there to avoid
a possible war between Australia and the U.S., anyone that has seen the
movie 'Crocodile Dundee' knows that we would have won that anyway.
Recently Bob made the news with the brilliant idea to make Australia the
nuclear dump of the world, he reckoned we could make heaps of money by
storing nuclear waste, as Australia's ancient landmass is so geologically
stable (tell that to people in Newcastle). He also commented after The
Latham Diaries were published that he had tried very hard to stop the
Labor Party from choosing Mark as a leader as he knew it was a disaster
waiting to happen but he had been unsuccesful.
Not long before he became Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke
told this joke to 700 people at a Melbourne dinner function;
The Indian PM Indira Gandhi was looking for a way to divert attention
from the political and economical mess of her government and one
of her staff suggested a national lottery. The idea was accepted,
the lottery was organized and the whole of India bought tickets
in the hope of winning one of the three mystery prizes.
The draw was done in a large stadium, watched by millions of people.
First the third prize was drawn; a first class ticket around the
world on Air India, the winner was pretty happy with this. Then
the second prize was drawn; a fruit cake. The second prize winner
was very unhappy, he loudly complained that the third prize was
better, and normally one would expect the second prize to be larger
than the third.
The compere explains; oh, but this is a very special fruit cake,
it was baked by Mrs. Gandhi! To which the winner replies; F%#*!
Mrs. Gandhi!
The compere; oh no, that is first prize!
Needless to say, the Indian High Commissioner was not impressed.....
This monument to Bob Hawke
stands in the Espanol Hotel
Campbell Newman
Campbell Newman became Queensland's Premier in March 2013
when the Labor Party lost the elections in a landslide defeat. Daintree
residents celebrated as his party, the LNP, had promised to overturn legislation
from the previous Anna Bligh government that prohibited an electricity
A bit late, but better late than never, the law was overturned, but rather
than installing an electricity grid to lift the Daintree community out
of energy poverty and cut pollution, the LNP came out with a media release
that said that if people wanted a grid they could build it and pay for
Daintree residents wanted to know why they could not be treated the same
as all other Queenslanders and have an electricity supply at the same
cost as the rest of the state but Campbell Newmand told them that Anna
Bligh had left no money in the bank for any projects such as an electricity
A bit hard to believe considering Ergon (the electricity supplier in north
Queensland) had just posted a $320 million profit in the last year, Campbell
Newman visited the troubled Palm Island indigenous community and immediately
promised $3 million to start up eco tourism ventures, and awarded himself
and fellow politicians a payrise of no less than a whopping 41% (which
puts him alongside Barrack Obama and makes Queensland politicians the
highest paid of any state in Australia, while around the same time they
lodges a legal challenge in the Supreme Court to block a mre 2.2% payrise
to public servants!!!!!!
Clive Palmer
Clive Palmer
Clive Palmer was born in Victoria on March 26, 1954. He
studied law at the University of Queensland, but dropped out before completing
his degree.
After dropping out of university, Clive gets his real estate license and
managed to make $40 million in property development and then turns his
hand to the resources sector.
His political career started when he joined the Queensland division of
the National Party of Australia in 1974. He served as the National Party's
campaign director during the 1983 state election and as media spokesman
during its 1986 election campaign.
In the 1980s he set up various businesses, bought a soccer team, and made
more money, according to BRW's estimate he is worth around $2.2 billion.
Although he owns numerous homes, private jets, boats, a Ferrari, two Bentleys
and a Rolls-Royce, he still wears $23 trousers from Lowes.
In 2010 Clive becomes the world's best boss when he handed out $10 million
in gifts to his 800-strong Townsville nickel refinery staff, which also
includedf 55 Mercedes-Benz cars and 700 overseas holidays.
He also runs the charitable Palmer Care Foundation, tourism businesses
such as hotels and golf courses, plans on building a Titanic replica and
the world's biggest dinosaur museum, and was made an Australian national
living treasure by the National Trust in 2012.
In 2012 he resigns his life membership of the Liberal National Party after
a falling out, and decided to start his own political party; the Palmer
United Party, which receives more than five per cent of the national vote
in the federal election, and nearly ten percent in Queensland.
Craigh Thomson
Craig Thomson
Craig Robert Thomson is a New Zealand-born Australian trade
unionist and politician who was elected to the House of Representatives
as member for the Division of Dobell, New South Wales, for the Australian
Labor Party at the 2007 federal election. In April 2012 he announced his
intention to sit on the crossbench as an independent member of parliament
when all the allegations of paying prostitutes with union credit cards
became to embarrassing for his party.
In 2008 auditors for the Health Services Union picked up suspicious credit
card transactions which started years of allegations and denials, leading
to Craig's arrest in February 2013. He was charged with 154 counts of
fraud and released again on bail with strict conditions that he did not
contact a list of escort agencies.
David Campbell
NSW MP David Campbell was New South Wales' transport and
roads minister until Seven News filmed him using his Government car to
visit a gay sex sauna in Sydney.
Don Chipp
Don Chipp
Passed away in August 2006 but used to be a popular politician
who entered parliament in 1960, first as a Liberal but later founded a
new political party; the Australian Democrats. He promised to" keep
the bastards honest" , took control of the Senate and changed the
way politics was done in Australia. In an interview on Andrew Denton's
TV show Enough Rope in March 2004 he said he believed George Bush is one
of the great liars of all time (what's new?) but also that he had told
lies about Vietnam, had Liberal Party members visiting his office where
his secretary would show them banned porn movies and he used to have sexual
fantasies about the Queen!
Fiona Patten
Fiona Patten
Fiona Patten is the leader of the Australian Sex Party and
will stand for the Senate at the next federal election.
This rather unusually named party was officially launched in November
2008 at the Melbourne Sexpo and in August 2009 it obtained approval from
the Australian Electoral Commission to be registered as a political party.
The Australian Sex Party says they are a political response to the sexual
needs of Australia in the 21st century and will attempt to restore the
balance between sexual privacy and sexual publicity that has been severely
distorted by morals campaigners and prudish politicians and they are fed
up with wowserism in Australian parliaments.
The party is also opposed to the federal government's proposed Internet
filter, wants a Royal Commission into child sex abuse in the nation’s
religious institutions, a uniform rating for explicit adult material for
all states, listing of Viagra on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, health
care for sex workers, sexual rights and freedoms of the disabled and elderly
in institutions and global approaches to tackling child pornography. More
info on the Sex Party's official website.
Fiona Simpson
Queensland Nationals MP Fiona Simpson hung a string of red
bras on the front gates of Queensland Parliament, assisted by some other
women, to protest against amalgamation of councils.
Speaker Mike Reynolds was not impressed and ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms
to do something about it.
Ruled Australia in the early 1970s for three years and is
most remembered for getting the Labor Party in power for the first time
in a very long time, ending conscription and bringing the boys home from
Vietnam, erasing the last remains of the White Australia Policy, starting
up national health insurance, spending $1.3 million of taxpayers money
on a painting, replacing 'God Save The Queen' with a new National Anthem,
stuffing up the economy and borrowing lots of money overseas and finally
being dumped by Governor General John Kerr.
(Australia is still connected to the British empire and the Queen's representative
the Governor General is officially the most powerful person in Australia,
normally they stay in the background, drink champagne at public functions
and just quietly absorb lots of tax payers dollars while Aussies don't
even know they exist but occasionally they make the news by sacking a
Prime Minister or getting involved in a child sex abuse scandal.)
Harold Holt was in office for less than two years from January
1966 to December 1967, when he became the only Australian prime minister
to completely disappear without a trace, while swimming at Cheviot beach
in Portsea near Melbourne, Victoria on 17 December 1967. Theories to explain
this mystery vary from shark attack to heart attack to being kidnapped
or assassinated by CIA scuba divers launched from a U.S. submarine. While
a variety of theories have been expounded about Holt's disappearance,
the Commonwealth Government did not deem a formal inquiry necessary, accepting
the conclusions of the Police report.
Bizarrely enough the Stonnington City Council in Victoria has named their
centre after him ( you would think a swimming centre would be named
after swimming heroes like Ian Thorpe or Dawn Fraser, not after somebody
who went for a swim and drowned.....)
Jason Wood
A politician having multiple orgasms during a speech on
the floor of parliament?
Yes, anything is possible in Australia!
In June 2008 Victorian MP Jason Wood, Federal member for
Latrobe, was supposed to be talking about genetically modified organisms
in his maiden speech in Canberra but ended up mixing up his words a bit,
much to the amusement of the crowd, and subsequently the whole country.
His embarrassing slip up was caught on camera and available for your entertainment
in this movie;
Jodie Moore
The huge billboard
Photo from jodiemoore.org
Jodie also considered becoming
the Mayor of Brisbane
Jodie Moore was born in Woodridge, Queensland on 11 April
In 2002 she was awarded a Venus Award for Best Adult Actress in the U.S.A.
She first ran for a seat in her local state legislator seat of Woodridge
in March 2001 where she achieved 5% of the primary vote. She also ran
for the federal seat of Ryan and the federal senate in 2004 and was interviewed
by Sixty Minutes and other T.V. and Newspapers.
Jodie Moore began her first large scale promotion with the launch of Australia's
largest billboard advertisement, unveiled at 11 am Tuesday the 2nd of
March, but it was almost immediately pulled down by Main Roads Department.
Over 700 Queenslanders joined "Jodie Moore's Porn Star Party"
in just 3 days, giving her way more than the required 500 members to register
as a political party with the electoral commission. You could read her
policies on jodiemoore.org , which is now no longer on-line, but it is
still on her other websitejodiemoore.com.
A very enterprising young lady, how many Aussie politicians run an online
adult shop or have starred in porn movies like Anal Demolition,
Blimey What A Hiney, or Muff To The Max?
Joe Hockey
In June 2015 it was revealed that Joe Hockey charges taxpayers
$1000 a month to sleep in his wife’s $2 million Canberra home.
Under travel allowance rules,poiticians are allowed to claim $271 per
night when they stay in Canberra to cover the cost of accommodation, but
he has claimed travel allowance totalling $184,000 to stay at his wife's
house during parliamentary sittings since 1998.
Joh Bjelke Petersen
Joh Bjelke Petersen
Johannes Bjelke-Petersen was born in Dannevirke, New Zealand
in 1911, as the son of a Danish-born Lutheran pastor. He was elected as
the Country Party member for Nanango in 1947 and took another 21 years
to become premier, and was a shrewd and often ruthless politician. He
got voted back in a record seven times and ruled over Queensland from
1968 for a period of 19 years in a time when corruption was rife, but
finally he was forced to step down amid a corruption scandal that led
to police commissioner Terry Lewis and several cabinet ministers being
put away in jail. Joh was charged with perjury but not convicted as the
jury, headed by a Young National Joh supporter, failed to reach a unanimous
He is remembered for many things, amongst them his controversial stand
against World Heritage listings, electrification and modernisation of
the Queensland rail network, turning Queensland into a strong economy,
the building of the Wivenhoe and Burdekin Dams, abolishing death duties,
opening Japanese markets for the Bowen coal when many people still had
not forgiven Japan for their behaviour in World War 2, appointing the
first woman, Yvonne Chapman, to Cabinet, the Gateway Bridge, disregard
for civil liberties, staging of the 1982 Commonwealth Games and World
Expo 88, and the demolition of the historic Bellevue Hotel in Brisbane.
He was knighted in the early 80s and lost the premiership in 1987 after
the Fitzgerald inquiry into widespread police and political corruption
in Queensland after which his own National Party colleagues voted him
out of office. Under his rule thousands of hectares of ancient rainforest
in the Daintree was allowed to be subdivided into small lots without proper
infrastructure, creating problems and controversy that still run today.
He also made an unsuccesful bid to become Prime Minister.
In later years he lived on a farm where buses took people on super-exciting
daytours to look around, eat Lady Flo's biscuits and buy pet-rocks made
by his grand son. On days that the old Joh was feeling strong enough he
came outside and you could even shake his hand! He also filed a compensation
claim of no less than $353 million from the Queensland government for
damages arising from the Fitzgerald corruption inquiry and his 1991 perjury
July 2004: Joh has just been to hospital and not in the best of health,
which led a protestor to stand outside Parliament to urge the government
NOT to give Joh a state funeral when he carks it as this should be reserved
for people who are of good character and have done lots of good things
in life.
24 March 2005: At the grand old age of 94 Joh has passed away, survived
by his 84 year old wife Lady Flo Bjelke Petersen.
John Brogden
John Brogden was born on 28 March 1969 and is married to
Lucy, he has been State Member for Pittwater since 1996 and was the leader
of the Liberal Party in New South Wales and could have become Premier
of the state. Until in August 2005 he had a few beers at a party and called
Ex-Premier Bob Carr's Malaysian-born wife a mail-order bride and allegedly
pinched a female journalist's bottom, his career as party leader then
came to an abrupt halt with his resignation a couple of days later and
an unsuccesful suicide attempt soon after. He also made a good judge at
bikini girl competitions in north Sydney. Has someone got some pics of
that to post on this page?
John Howard
Prime Minister John Howard
The greatest leader ever (according to Steve Irwin). Entered
Parliament in 1974 and when he was re-elected in 2004 he overtook Bob
Hawke and became the country's second longest serving prime minister,
only Sir Robert Menzies served longer at 18 years.
To beat this John would have had to stay until 2014, but in the 2007 elections
he had to move over for opposition leader Kevin Rudd. The defeat was of
such proportions that John even lost in his own electorate!
In May 1995 he said; "There's no way that a GST will ever be part
of our policy. Never ever. It's dead. It was killed by the voters in the
last election. Any suggestion that I left the door open is absolute nonsense.
I didn't. I never will. The last election killed the GST. It's not part
of our policy and it won't be part of our policy at any time in the future.
About three years later, under huge oppositon, he pushed the GST through!
Despite his claims that it only replaced other now abolished sales taxes
there were a lot of things that never had tax on them, like building materials
so all new houses were now 10% more expensive which sent the building
industry into a crisis which needed a multi-million dollar bail out and
also tampons became more expensive which united women from all over the
country in protests to no avail. The government spent $100 million in
Australia's biggest advertising campaign ever to try and convince the
nation of the benefits of GST and how it is going to work.
On 11 September 2001 he found himself two blocks away from the Pentagon
when a plane hit it, leading to him becoming very emotional and immediately
declaring Australia was behind the U.S. and later sending troops to Afghanistan
and Iraq despite huge opposition from his constituents. A year later when
182 people, mainly Australians, died in the bombing of the Sari Club in
Bali many Australians saw that as the price we paid for going to Afghanistan.
Osama bin Laden still warns Australia from time to time that we're on
his hitlist. Despite all this bending over backwards to American demands
White House officials hardly seem to know his name as in October 2003
some White House documents listed him as John Mayor (an ex-U.K. prime
minister). This didn't stop John from throwing a $25000.- barbeque for
George W. Bush on a flying visit to Australia a few weeks later, earlier
that day several senators, including Bob Brown, were removed by security
staff for opening their mouths during George W.Bush's speech on free speech
and freedom. Early 2004 his opponent Mark Latham came up with the brilliant
idea to cancel the ridiculously generous super-annuation scheme for politicians,
this would have got him lots of votes so John took the idea and abolished
the super scheme himself, though only several weeks later news broke that
salary rises were planned to compensate for this change so really nothing
has changed, and they now get their money even earlier as they don't have
to wait for retirement. Early 2004 John saw his troop commitment to Iraq
rewarded by getting a step closer to a free trade agreement with the U.S.
US film maker Michael Moore on John Howard; what's confusing to me is
how can someone like John Howard get in bed with George W. Bush, he at
least appears to have half a brain....
John Howard has also inspired others to create websites like Johnhowardlies.com
and Defeathoward.com and he inspired Queensland artist Tim Patch (alos
known under the nickname Pricasso) to paint a portrait of him. Tim is
not your average artist, he uses his penis as a paint brush...
A penis-portrait of John Howard
Image from Tim Patch's website Penileart.com
John has resisted calls for a long time to apologize for
the treatment of Aborigines in the past, he agrees that the treatment
was appalling but says he was not there and had no involvement in it so
can not say sorry for this. In 2003 an unsuccesful assassination attempt
was made by an Aboriginal woman who stood near him for some time staring
at him and "pointing the bone" at him, in Aboriginal culture
this means you will soon die, but years later he is still happily strutting
In 2005 it was revealed that in the previous financial year he had spent
more than $500 a week on alcohol at his two official residences, The Lodge
and Kirribilli House, a total of 27,196 taxpayers dollars for the year!
He admitted to enjoying a drink but said most of it goes in to official
This was still small change compared to the maintenance bill of these
two houses, from 1996 till 2007 the total came to nearly $20 million,
of which $1.2 million was spent just on gardening around the Kirribilli
house! Must be some bloody nice gardens....
Other useless trivia; he stand 178 cm. tall, is a Christian, does not
like pokies, one of his favourite movies is 'On the waterfront' and a
house a couple of doors down from his official Kirribilly residence was
suspected of being a nudist bed and breakfast.
According to the 2005 Durex Global Sex Survey some Australians find their
politicians sexy, believe it or not but 22 % said they found Treasurer
Peter Costello sexy but only 5 per cent said John Howard was sexy.
May 2006: John visited his mate George W.Bush again and George even put
on an official state dinner for John, something that had only happened
seven times during his presidency, and on Mothersday even popped in to
the Aussie embassy where George and John did some gardening together and
planted a couple of trees! The following night the US energy minister
approached John about storing some nuclear waste in Australia but thank
god he said no to this! Rupert Murdoch was also attending some of the
partying, and he offered John a bit of advice; retire now! John didn't,
not even in July when Treasurer Peter Costello wanted him to move on,
claiming that back in 1994 they had struck a deal that John would vacate
his position for him so Australia would have Peter Costello as a Prime
Minister, but John stringently denied to media that such a deal had ever
been discussed. It took a landslide election for John to lose his job
to Kevin Rudd, to the extent that John even lost in his own electorate!
John Newman
John Newman was the first elected Australian politician
to be assassinated in Australia while he was. a member of the New South
Wales state parliament and Member for the seat of Cabramatta.
For many years Paul Newman had waged a campaign against the Asian crime
gangs and corruption that had plagued Cabramatta which led to numerous
death threats but he did not seek police protection.
During the night of 5 September 1994 he was shot and killed outside his
Woods Avenue home.
A local Vietnamese club owner who had run against him as an independent
in 1991, was convicted of the killing in 2001.
Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard, also known as Ju-liar Gillard
Julia Gillard became Australia's first female Prime Minister
in July 2010 after Kevin Rudd was spectacularly dumped by his own party,
and in July 2013 history was repeated and Julia was dumped again and Kevin
took over the reigns again.
Soon after being moved in to this position she called for elections which
resulted in no clear winner and it took a long time of talking before
a government was finally formed with complex arrangements between political
parties and independent candidates.
On Australia Day 2012 she made international headlines when protesters
from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy marched on a restaurant where she was
on an official function, and chaotic scenes followed when the protests
turned violent and her security guards raced her to a waiting car, she
lost a shoe, fell over and got dragged along, and some very unglamorous
photos hit the news. The whole mayhem had been caused by her media adviser
tipping protesters off on Tony Abbott's location who was in the restaurant
too, but at least Julia's guards were generous enough to also evacuate
Tony, not very often that Julia and Tony share the backseat of a car!
The media adviser lost his job after this incident.
In July 2011 she introduced
her carbon tax, that she once promised never to introduce, which
wiped $50 billion off the Australian share market in the first two
trading days after the tax was announced.
She seems to think that if it becomes more expensive for Australian
business to pollute then they will pollute less and the planet will
be saved.
A more realistic situation is that if it becomes more expensive
for Australian business to produce goods in a competitive world
market then contracts will go to other countries, and while the
rest of the world keeps on polluting the effect of reduction in
Australian pollution will be so small on the overall planet that
is not possible to measure while Aussies suffer lower incomes and
standard of living.
Manufacturing will move to China where they build 2 gigawatts of
new power plants, mostly coal fired, every week! With this massive
increase in pollution how is Australia going to save the planet?
In an attempt to calm the public she has organized some tax breaks
that will soften the blow for most Aussie families, forgetting that
foreign tourists do not get these tax breaks and Australia will
become once again a more expensive destination, leading them to
choose other countries to spend their holidays.
Here is the video where you can see Julia Gillard promise us that
we will never have a carbon tax....
Julia Gillard was touring the country trying to sell her carbon-tax
in her chauffeur-driven car.
Suddenly, a cow jumped out onto the road, they hit it full on
and the car came to a screeching stop.
Julia in her usual charming manner, says to the chauffeur:
'You get out and check - you were driving. '
The chauffeur gets out, checks and reports that the animal is
'You were driving, it's all your fault ; go and tell the farmer,
' says Julia.
The chauffeur wanders off and Julia pulls out some paperwork,
and gets to work inventing a few extra new taxes.
Finally, five hours later, the chauffeur returns totally plastered,
hair ruffled with a big grin on his face.
'My god, what the hell took you so long, what happened to you?
'asks Julia.
The chauffeur replies: ' When I got there, the farmer opened his
best bottle of malt whisky, his wife cooked me a beautiful meal
and his daughters shagged me senseless. '
'What on earth did you tell them? 'asks Julia.
'I knocked on the door, and when it was answered, I said to them:
'I'm Julia Gillard's chauffeur and I've just killed the cow.'
If Julia is so serious about reducing carbon emissions why
does she not do something to install grid power in the Daintree.
For many years consecutive state governments and Mike
Berwick have denied residents of the area north of the river from
Alexandra Range to Cape Tribulation the basic human right to have electricity
connected to their houses and businesses.
While for 17 years their mayor Mike Berwick lived north of the Daintree
river connected to mains power most other residents struggled to pay the
bills for diesel, generator repairs and replacements, batteries to make
their houses livable and their businesses operational.
This situation continues today and while you are reading this masses of
generators are roaring guzzling three million litres of fuel per year
and pumping tonnes of carbon dioxide into world heritage listed rainforest.
Read more here about the pollution
in the Daintree...
Julia, please put a stop to this pollution and energy waste!
Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd
Born on 21 September 1957 in Nambour, Queensland, grew up on
a dairy farm in nearby Eumundi, and became the 26th Prime Minister
of Australia on 3 December 2007. The Labor Party had finally realized
that they were never ever going to win any election with the likes
of Kim Beazley or Mark Latham and had chosen Kevin Rudd as their
leader, with spectacular success, Kevin beat his rival John Howard
to the extent that John even lost in his own electorate!
Not bad considering Mark Lathams's assessment of him in the
book The Latham Diaries; "treacherous, nasty piece of work,
addicted to the media and leaking. A junior minister in government,
at best."
Early 2010 when the rest of the Labor MP's expected him to call
an election he stunned them all by instead spending his time on
launching his new book;
Kevin's book
Kevin joined the Australian Labor Party in 1972, at the
age of 15, studied at the Australian National University in Canberra,
and graduated with First Class Honours in Arts (Asian Studies). He majored
in Chinese language and history, became proficient in Mandarin, and acquired
a Chinese alias, Lù Kèwén.
In 1981 he married Thérèse Rein with whom he has three children,
and in this year he also joined the Department of Foreign Affairs, where
he served until 1988. He made his first speech to the Australian Parliament
in November 1998 and was promoted to the Opposition front bench after
the 2001 election and appointed Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs. In
this role, he strongly criticised the Howard government over its support
for the United States in the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent operations
there, while maintaining Labor's position of support for the Australian-American
In 2007 news popped up that while he was Shadow foreign affairs minister
in 2003 he had been spotted in New York strip club 'Scores' in September
while he was on a tax payer funded representing Australia at a UN convention,
and some reports even claimed that he and Warren Snowdon had to be told
by management to keep their hands off the dancers.
Kevin settled this issue with a brilliant Aussie excuse; I don't know,
I was too drunk too remember...
Rudd announced he and wife Therese will live in The Lodge, the Prime Minister's
official residence in Canberra, and only use Kirribilli House while on
official business in Sydney, John Howard had always preferred to live
in Sydney, reportedly clocking up a bill of $7 million in private jet
rides to Canberrra over the length of his term in office.
On 3 December 2007, Rudd was sworn in as Prime Minister by the Governor-General,
Major General Michael Jeffery.
Unlike his Labor predecessors, Rudd did not swear allegiance to the Queen
of Australia, but promised instead to "well and truly serve the Commonwealth
of Australia and her people."
Contrary to his pre-decessor he did say sorry to the Aboriginal population,
although he has already warned that that does not mean huge compensation
payouts. He promised tough action on the Japanese whaling in Australian
waters but copped criticism when this promise was not followed up with
all that much vigour, and he signed the Kyoto agreement on his first day
in office. As a Christian he is also opposed to same-sex marriage, though
has said he will not block the ACT Government plans to allow same-sex
In the 2010 Ralph magazine Wanker Of The Year Top 100 Kevin scored
7th place.
I n July 2010 the game was all over and Kevin got dumped by his
own party and replaced with Julia Gillard.
But in February 2012 rumours circulated that there was a leadership
challenge on the way and Kevin would try to get his job back, interestingly
enough at the same time somebody posted a video on Youtube of a
less than happy Kevin repeatedly throwing the F word around the
room. Click the pic to watch the Youtube movie.
In July 2013 Kevin became Australia's Prime Minister for the second
time when Julia Gillard was sidelined, the Labor Party had come to the
conclusion that with an election approaching they stood a much better
change with Kevin at the helm than Julia.
But it was game over in the September 2013 elections where the Labor Party
lost out.
While he was the leader of the opposition he made daily
TV appearances criticizing John Howard and his government. No matter what
John and his colleagues decided, it was wrong and Kim wanted to have it
the opposite way. One day when he was doing his daily routine bagging
Howard's policies a reporter said to him; and what are your policies,
what do you stand for? Kim wavered for a moment, probably thinking to
himself; Jesus, I never thought about that, and then came out with; eh,
better roads, better schools....
Yes, wouldn't we all like to see that, but how do we pay for it?
Some time later he was replaced by Simon Crean who also didn't get very
far, so he was replaced with Mark Latham again. But
after Mark spectacularly lost the 2004 elections and after that also got
pancreatitis the party needed to replace him and would you believe it,
for lack of other candidates they re-recycled Kim Beazley again! Kim also
got a mention in Mark Lathams's book the Latham Diaries;
indecent, dirty dog, stands for nothing and does nothing.
Kirsty Marshall
Kirsty Marshall
Only recently elected to parliament, Kirsty Marshall was
barred from breast feeding her 10-day-old baby in the chamber of Victoria
state's parliament Wednesday after officals ruled the child was a "stranger
in the house" because the child hadn't been elected to parliament
and so was not an individually elected member. The sergeant-at-arms immediately
told Marshall her behaviour was unacceptable and escorted both mother
and child from the chamber.
Len Kiely
Len became minister for the environment in the Northern
Territory in November 2007, despite protests from the politically correct
crowd. He had just spent a year on the back bench for telling a 62 year
old female security guard that he had a very long tongue and could make
her a very happy woman, while he was pissed on taxpayer funded alcohol.
The local newspaper NT News had a field day recycling the old scandal,
together with another new minister Matt Bonson who was infamous for punchups
and urinating in public.
Sometimes people get caught with their pants down,
but one time Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser was caught
with his pants missing!
Long before Bill Clinton rocked the world with the most famous BJ
of all times Malcolm Fraser managed to make headlines in 1986 by
wandering around a Memphis hotel lobby in a dazed state with his
trousers missing. He had met a lady at the bar the night before
who had drugged and robbed him. It was not reported if he actually
got lucky before passing out.
Malcolm Fraser also banned whaling in Australian waters in 1979
for which he was later honoured by the Australian Conservation Foundation
on the 25th anniversary of the whaling ban in April 2004. Not that
it makes much difference these days as the Japanese Government ignores
these laws and sends their ships in every year to kill whales for
Marcus Ehrlich
In September 2005 Marcus Ehrlich was voted deputy Mayor
of the NSW town of Woollahra at the age of only 22!!
Mark Latham was the Federal Member for Werriwa from 1994
to 2005 but suddenly rose to national fame when the Labor Party, realizing
they were never going to win an election with Simon Crean and could not
possibly re-re-recycle Kim Beazley again, elected him as their leader.
John Howard's party had a field day digging up old quotations of Mark
Latham which included; " George W.Bush is the most dangerous and
incompetent president in living memory" , "John Howard is an
arselicker" and the event where he had punched a taxi driver. Before
actually starting work he spent a few days going around places like the
American Embassy to apologize and assure people we should look at the
future and not the past. Seemed to do well right at the start and at one
time had a 66% approval rating. He had also been a critic of the Northern
Territory railway but when it opened he withdrew his criticism.
In June 2004 Mark Latham, thinking he'd win green votes
AND youth votes at the same time, thought it would be a good idea if rockstar
/ environmentalist Peter Garrett would join his political party, but the
rest of the country, including most of his own Labor party, thought it
was a really bad idea, especially when it was discovered that Peter had
not even voted for the last ten years and was not even a member of the
Labor party. In July he acccused the Howard government of employing a
'dirt-unit' orchestrating a pre-election smear campaign when one accusation
after the other hit the news headlines; his ex-wife told media how Mark
cheated on her with another woman, a man who had come into his office
to complain about potplants out the front was punched in the head etc.
He copped lots of criticism for sticking to his 'bring the troops home
from Iraq by Christmas' promise, also from the US. Managed to insert some
more conditions into the Free Trade Agreement that John Howard was trying
to negotiate with the US though this held it up and now, just after the
2004 elections, the Americans are trying to re-negotiate things again
and the FTA has not passed yet. During an interview he admitted to having
smoked dope and, contrary to Bill Clinton, said that he did inhale, though
did not want to elaborate on whether he enjoyed it.
Despite all his best efforts to gain popularity he was defeated
in a major way in the October 2004 federal elections as most of the nation
thought he was way too inexperienced to be put in charge of a country.
An advertising campaign by the Liberals who kept on highlighting how a
council in Sydney had descended into financial chaos while Mark was mayor
there may have had something to do with this. Not too much later he suffered
from pancreatitis and quit his job as party leader. The Labor Party now
needed a new leader and re-re-recycled Kim Beazley once more. Mark also
has a habit of not showing up at court hearings relating to him allegedly
attacking photographer Ross Schultz and destroying his $9000.- camera
in January 2006. In Mark's defence we must note that the photographer
was a nuisance jumping on him as he left a fast food restaurant and invading
his privacy.
In 2006 Mark's book 'The Latham Diaries' hit the shops,
in this book he manages to insult just about every senior Labor politician,
from the current party leader Kim Beazley all the way back to Gough Whitlam.
John Howard's party thought this book was the best thing since sliced
bread and they thoroughly enjoyed it. Mark Latham is the author of five
other books on Australian public policy, including Civilising Global Capital
(1998) and From the Suburbs (2003). Some highlights of the Latham Diaries
- Richard Butler; has not resigned as Governor of Tasmania but was sacked
for getting pissed at the Royal wedding in Denmark.
- Kevin Rudd; treacherous, nasty piece of work, addicted to the media
and leaking. A junior minister in government, at best.
- Kim Beazley; indecent, dirty dog, stands for nothing and does nothing.
- Amanda van Stone; junkfood guts.
- Bob McMullan; combover.
- Bob Carr; A grade asshole.
After the book had been published Bob Hawke commented that he had tried
very hard to stop the Labor Party from choosing Mark as a leader as he
knew it was a disaster waiting to happen.
One of our readers got creative and sent us this one
Milton Orkopoulos
Ex-New South Wales MP, Aboriginal affairs minister, and
Labor frontbencher Milton Orkopoulos was found guilty on 28 sex and drug
counts in 2008, he used to offer teenage boys cannabis and then have sex
with them when the drugs took effect.
Mike Berwick
Mike Berwick
Many Daintree residents placed
this sticker on their cars
Mike Berwick was part of the crowd of hippies and greenies
that protested in the 1984 Bloomfield Track Blockade at Cape
Tribulation, but when the battle was lost and the other greenies left
the area he stayed on and became editor of local newspaper the Mossman
Gazette, part time barramundi farmer, and Mayor of the Douglas Shire in
1991, and thanks to the lack of competition remained so for an unbelievable
17 years.
Under his leadership the Douglas Shire Council kept the local newspaper
well filled with one controversy and blunder after the other, ratepayers
dollars were wasted on studies whose recommendations were rarely followed
up, a stream of expensive courtcases, an illegal ferry tax that was ordered
to be abolished by the Ombudsman, a ferry
debacle, an illegally (half)built $375,000
toilet block that was never finished and a controversial townplan
that stopped people from building a house on their own freehold land.
His entire council was on the brink of being sacked several times and
was labelled as "dysfunctional" by the State Government Minister,
after several Crime and Misconduct inquiries the council's CEO was sacked,
and in August 2007 Local Government Minister Andrew Fraser solved the
problem of this dysfunctional council by amalgamating the Douglas Shire
with Cairns Shire so Mike and the other six councillors can go and look
for a new job.
Although the state wide shire amalgamation had mainly been for the purpose
of eliminating financially troubled shires this amalgamation was the perfect
opportunity for the State Government to once and for all get rid of the
dysfunctional council that had wasted so much of their time over the years
with one inquiry after the other, even though the Douglas Shire had not
shown any financial problems yet. Years later when an accountant did a
review of figures in the final year of this council he discovered that
they were not in good shape financially.
During al de-amalgamation rally Mike used the argument that council rates
were going up for everyone.
Well, as a Daintree resident, I can tell you that my rates in 2010 were
20% lower than back in 1995, so taking into account 15 years of inflation,
I probably pay half the rates to Cairns Regional Council than I did to
Mike's old Douglas Shire Council ! And I now have a sealed road and bridges
so I don't have to risk my life on flooded causeways anymore!
Pollution in the Daintree
Mike Berwick has managed to make himself very unpopular
with a lot of people, two of the main reasons were;
Reason 1 - Mike Berwick's stance on electricity.
One of the issues that has frustrated residents north of the Daintree
river over the years is that Mike Berwick was fiercely against providing
grid electricity to their houses, while there is a cable across
the Daintree river providing mains electricity to Mike Berwick and
his neighbours!
Mike voted NO at every meeting where provision of power was discussed,
and thanks to this no-electricity stance people north of the Daintree
river are today still living with petrol and diesel generators which
pollute far more than grid power ever would, and they bear the sky
high costs of this, this has been defined as energy
poverty by the UN..
Subsidies for solar power have been available but were axed mid
2009, but solar power in the rainforest is a bit like hydro power
in the desert, there is only a very short time of the year where
it actually works....
Mains electricity for Mike and his neighbours
If Mike had devoted only a fraction of the time and effort
that he put in to his controversial townplan, in to the installation of
an environmentally friendly mini-grid then residents and business could
get rid of their noisy polluting generators and no more lead acid batteries
would pile up around the place.
While tourists are fed romantic sounding crap that they are visiting the
largest renewable energy community in Australia, there is a steady stream
of fuel trucks driving up and three million litres of diesel and petrol
a year are being burned up by inefficient generators that need regular
oil changes and repairs, and hundreds and hundreds of old and used lead-acid
batteries are piling up, an
environmental disaster in which Mike Berwick has played a major role.
There are many reasons why solar electricity does not work
in the Daintree and it has re-defined the definition of renewable
Reason 2 - The townplan - After the 2004
Douglas Shire Council elections all hell broke loose.
Most people with a bit of a brain in this area are busy running succesful
tourism businesses and don't have time for politics so thanks to this
lack of competition Mike Berwick was re-elected as Mayor of the Douglas
Shire once again.
After being re-elected he set off the bomb he had been preparing in secret;
a 12 month ban on all building and developments in the area north of his
house up to Cape Tribulation, to be followed by a townplan that stopped
many people from building on their own freehold land.
An information day was organized at the local school to tell devastated
residents exactly how screwed they were, and no less than three police
officers were at Mike Berwick's side to protect him from natural justice.
Thanks to his actions the area from north of his house to Cape Tribulation
has become the Bermuda Triangle of property investment, property prices
have plummeted and sales have stagnated, people that had bought land to
build their dreamhome suddenly found themselves with a worthless piece
of land that could not be built on.
Other people that had owned land for years or decades were suddenly told
that they could either sell their land to council for peanuts, or invest
in lawyers to attempt compensation through the courts. Numerous divorces
and even some suicides have been blamed on this townplan that won a planning
award from Brisbane, but no human rights awards from Amnesty International.
Opinions on Mike Berwick are very divided, some people think
he is a hero for saving the Daintree with his radical townplan, many others
hate him intensely for having restricted people's rights to build on their
own freehold land and to deny them electricity. And to add insult to injury,
all the restrictions Mike brought in did not start north of the Daintree
No, they started north of the Alexandra Range (north of Mike's house so
he was never affected).
Daintree residents suffered years of stress until the townplan was sorted
out, they are still waiting for electricity grid, and several suicides
are blamed on his actions.
Mike used to run a barramundi farm and he has had regular
battles with rival barramundi farmer Geff McCloy who runs an award-winning
farm near Wonga beach. He claimed that Mike was using his position
in local government to make life difficult for him, Mike responded with
various statements that he later had to withdraw when he lost a defamation
courtcase in 2008 and he was also ordered to place a big ad in the local
newspaper apologising to McCloy and his family.
Cairns Regional Council tried to clean up the mess left
behind by the old Douglas Shire Council.
They have demolished the half built $375000 loo with a view, paid out
ex-DSC employees unfairly sacked, bridges have been built across causeways
where cars got washed down creeks every wet season, and they have done
a study in to how to solve the electricity issue.
But just as they were getting somewhere the Douglas Shire is about to
be de-amalgamated again!
Together with band of followers Mike formed Friends Of Douglas
Shire (FODS), which hassled the State Government for years to turn the
clock back and de-amalgamate the Douglas Shire. The people that were happy
to be part of Cairns Shire were not organized or heard so State Govt actually
started believing that the majority of residents wanted to split from
Cairns Council and organized a referendum for people to have their say,
even though the Treasury Department had advised against it when they calculated
that the cost of the exercise would be too much of a burden on the ratepayers
and the Shire was deemed financially unviable.
FODS made many claims which were unmasked on opposition websites Peopleofdouglas.org
, happywithcairns.org, and Douglas Ratepayers Group but the referendum
on March 9 still resulted in a majority yes vote thanks to large emotional
Port Douglas crowds voting yes, the rest of the shire voted a majority
no so now the shire is being amalgamated again, at great expense to ratepayers,
and against the professional advice of a bus load of financial experts
and high profile politicians. A very risky gamble and if no competent
councillors can be found and history repeats itself then ratepayers will
have to foot the bill of a re-amalgamation long before they would have
finished paying off their de-amalgamation.
Natasha Stott Despoja
Photo from democrats.org.au/
In 1995 she became the youngest woman to ever enter federal
parliament in Australia, and to lead a political party. And in 2003, after
serving two four year terms with the Democrats, also became the youngest
politician to qualify for a pension since Nationals senator Bill O'Chee.
At the age of 34, she was now eligible for an indexed pension of $51,380
for life, but kept on going strong as Senator for South Australia.
In October 2006, while she was preggo and had to be operated on a complication,
she evaluated her situation and decided to retire when the next elections
are up, to spend more time at home with husband Ian Smith and son Conrad.
This will make her one of Australia's youngest parliamentary pensioners
at the age of 37, qualifying for an indexed pension for life of nearly
$67,000 a year, boosted by additonal allowances for spending 14 months
as leader of the Democrats.
Nigel Scullion
Nigel Scullion was appointed as Deputy Leader of the Nationals
in 2007. Not long after that reports hit the media that once while he
headed an Australian delegation to a national fisheries conference in
St. Petersburg he ended up stripped to his underpants handcuffed to a
pole in a sleezy Russian nightclub. When asked about this he made no silly
excuses like Kevin Rudd who claimed to be too drunk to remember anything
about the New York strip club, he happily admitted that this night had
been one of the best nights of his life, and he highly recommended to
anyone never to refuse an offer to go drinking with Icelandic whalers
and Canadian crab fishermen.
Nick Adams
Forget about 22 year old Deputy Mayor Ehrlich above, we
have been advised that Nick Adams was voted to be the Deputy Mayor of
Ashfield on his 21st birthday!
Paul Keating
In the days that he was Prime Minister he managed to seriously
piss off Malaysia's Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir by labelling him a "recalcitrant".
Despite numerous calls refused to apologize for this resulting to cancellations
of billions fo dollars of contracts and trade, even at his retirement
in late 2003 Dr. Mahathir was still grumbling about it and according to
the Bangkok Post he had been instrumental in many Asian trade conferences
to block trade deals with Australia so it will never be possible to calculate
how many billions of dollars that one word has cost Australia. This was
not the only time he insulted somebody, you can see some of his other
insults here...
In 1986 he also managed to upset people at home by warning that if they
didn't work harder Australia would become a banana-republic and created
a recession that he said "we had to have". Before he became
Prime Minister and was still a treasurer under Guiness Book of Records
beer-drinking record holder Prime Minister Bob Hawke he floated the Aussie
dollar that crashed from U$90c to U$57c but he reckons that this saved
the country because otherwise "it would have knocked the country
int a cocked hat". In 2004 his ex-wife told media how he she had
been dumped by him at a dinner party, he thought that dinner at a friend's
house was a suitable time and place to announce to his wife that he had
decided to break up with her!
Although officially retired from politics he still keeps
voicing his opinions through the media from time to time, in March 2010
calling Tony Abbott a nutter and intellectual nobody.
Pauline Hanson
Photo from paulinehanson.org.au
A fish and chips shop owner who rose to fame after being
elected in 1996, founding the political party One Nation in 1997 and expressing
her rather radical views on Asian immigration and Aboriginal welfare which
caused huge embarrassment to Australia in neighbouring Asian countries
ans saw her expelled from the Liberal Party, and her first parliamentary
speech where she warned the country of being swamped by Asians send a
few shock waves around the country and the world.
She later went on a downhill slide when investigations turned up irregularities
in the party's dealings like electoral fraud. Pauline and her co-founder
David Ettridge were convicted and put in jail where they remained for
three months until released after on their third appeal in November 2003
the conviction for electoral fraud was overturned. Ironically enough she
had actively campaigned for tougher sentencing before she got what she
had asked for. Tony Abbott came under some criticism after her release
as he had been the driving force behind the witch hunt raising the money
for the legal representation to put her in jail.
She was also the inventor of the phrase "please explain" which
found its way into the vocabulary of many Aussies, and she has a musical
son named Adam who recorded the song 'Innocence' to raise funds for his
mother's legal battles, you can buy it on Pauline's official website www.paulinehanson.org.au
In July 2004 the nation became aware of her sexy 20 year old daughter
Lee when she modelled for Ralph men's magazine, dressed in a bikini which
had been chosen by Pauline, after several other (smaller) ones had not
been approved. Lee scored heaps better than her mother, in a 2004 survey
by FHM magazine Pauline was voted the least attractive woman in Australia,
followed by Senator Amanda Vanstone.
Although she had said once, when released from jail, that she would have
to have "rocks in her head" to ever join politics again she
still stood as an independent candidate again during the October 2004
elections. Although she did not get enough votes to re-start a political
career she did get more votes by herself than the entire Labour Party.
The video that Pauline had taped in case of being murdered
but somehow it got out while she was still alive
A love song by The Chasers
Mid 2007: Pauline has announced a come-back with Pauline's
United Australia Party, to be shown on the ballot papers as the abbreviation
Pauline. At the age of 53 she is not giving up and plans to re-enter politics,
but with a change of tactic, her main policy of the past of warning the
country of the danger of Asian immigration has now shifted to calling
for a ban on Muslim immigration.
January 2008: Kevin Rudd has promised a review of how political parties
get paid for their election campaign costs. At the moment you get paid
a $2.10 per vote and this has resulted in Pauline's United Australia Party
receiving $213,095.- , way more than what she actually spent on her campaign.
February 2010: Pauline has had enough of Australia and is selling her
house and packing her bags to move to the UK.
Some controversy erupted when news hit the media that she would not sell
the house to a muslim.
We seriously wonder how long she will last there, she used to be worried
about Australia being swamped by migrants, wait till she sees the situation
in England!
November 2010: Pauline could have saved herself time and money if she
had read the above paragraph and taken my advice, she's back in Oz after
a stint in Europe and, you guessed it, she did not like the UK because
it was too full of immigrants!
March 2011: The media reports that Pauline is going to enter the elections
again (for the seventh time) but they reckon she is doomed from the start.
Peter Dowling
Peter James Dowling (born 12 August 1961) was a Liberal
National Party member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland from 2009
to 2015, representing the electorate of Redlands, until in August 2013
he lost his job as chair of the Parliamentary Ethics Committee when it
was revealed he sent a picture of his penis in a glass of red wine to
a mistress.
Peter Garrett
Peter Garrett was born in Sydney, is a committed Christian,
married with three daughters, studied art and law, headed the Australian
Conservation Foundation for years and was lead singer of Midnight Oil
from 1973 onwards.
Their songs had strong political lyrics condemning uranium and all other
sorts of mining and US militairy, and supporting environment and Aboriginal
Peter first attempted to get into Australian politics in 1984 with his
Nuclear Disarmament Party but did not manage to get enough votes. In June
2004, when Labor leader Mark Latham was trying to appeal to the younger
voters, he was made Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Reconciliation
and the Arts In June 2005.
In December 2006 Kevin Rudd, the newly-elected Labor Party leader, announced
that he had given Peter the job of Shadow Minister for Climate Change,
Environment & Heritage and Arts.
Greenies were delighted with Peter Garret, known for his strong views
on nuclear and environmental issues, now being responsible for the environment.
But much to their surprise and dismay Peter by now had softened and modified
many of his previous views, the American base at Pine Gap was now OK with
him, and he approved the Bell Bay Pulp Mill in the environmentally sensitive
Tamar Valley in Tasmania, a controversial plan to dredge Melbourne's Port
Phillip Bay, a major gas plant on a West Australian island surrounded
by fragile eco systems, and a major expansion of South Australia's Beverley
uranium mine, which was heavily criticized by the Australian Conservation
Foundation (of which Peter once was president for ten years of his life).
Opposition members called it the Greatest Backflip In Australian History
and many Midnight Oil fans were also bitterly disappointed.
On the positive side, Peter has also received several awards ranging from
the Australian Humanitarian Foundation Award to a Member of the Order
of Australia, and although his band Midnight Oil had split up in 2002
he regrouped with them several times for fundraising concerts for the
Asian Tsunami and the Victorian bushfire appeal.
But in February 2010 the shit hit the fan with the Home
Insulation Fiasco, a massive WOFTAM
in which $2.5 billion dollars was spent on dodgy home insulation batts,
leading to a spate of house fires and four people killed installing it,
Peter got the blame for it all and was demoted.
Here is a selection of Midnight Oil songs where you can
hear Peter in action, and a parody by The Chasers:
Queensland Liberal Peter Slipper slipped out of the parliamentary
chamber for a quick visit to the toilet on December 12, 2002 . However,
after finishing his business in there he was unable to open the door to
return to the chamber. He unsuccessfully pushed and pulled the door bit
it would not move! Fortunately he had his mobile phone on him and he rang
fellow Liberal MP Peter Lindsay to organize a rescue party to save him
from his entrapment. Four security guards left Australia's government
in the parliamentary chamber unprotected and vulnerable to terrorist attack
and raced to the toilets to rescue the imprisoned politician. They did
not take long to resolve the situation and calmly slid open the toilet
door. He was in the toilet for the disabled which has a sliding door!
Speaker Neil Andrew said MPs should sharpen their toilet know-how in time
for the Christmas party period.
In 2008 his name appeared again in the media when he was alleged to have
made a mobile phonecall from an Aussie navy ship in the Red Sea that gave
away their position and the next mission had to be abandoned.
Late 2011 he became the Speaker of Parliament, and in early 2012 re-instated
the old tradition of walking in procession through Parliament House, but
onlookers were more amused comparing the procession to a bunch of people
trying to find their way to the fancy dress party rather than being impressed.
Meanwhile police were investigating how he spends nearly $1100 a day of
taxpayers money on expenses.
Not much later he was in the news headlines once again, for turning up
for a speech at an ANZAC function at an RSL club dressed in jeans.
And to top it off in April 2012 33 year old James Ashby filed sexual harrasment
claims against him claiming that Peter had only hired him in his office
to pursue a sexual relationship and he wants compensation.
Peter joined the 2013 elections but won very few votes.
Robert Borsak
The two sides of Robert Borsak, a well dressed respectable looking politician,
and a disgusting sub-human that kills endangered elephants for pleasure.
Robert Borsak (born 14 August 1953 is a recreational hunter
and shooter and is now an elected MP of the Shooters and Fishers Party.
He was chosen by the Shooters and Fishers Party to fill the New South
Wales Legislative Council vacancy caused by the death of Roy Smith on
30 July 2010.
Robert went to northern Zimbabwe to hunt elephants. On a two-week trip
he killed several, including a bull elephant he shot in the head from
a distance of six paces.
"My reflexes took over as the rifle fired … he went down, as
if in slow motion," writes Mr Borsak in an article entitled Bulls
in the Rain posted on the internet. "It was awesome. He did not know
what had hit him."
Australia's longest serving Prime Minister, managed to stay
in his position for considerable time from 1949 till 1966. Most remembered
for introducing conscription, sending lots of young Aussies to Vietnam
( quite a few went in hiding as well to avoid going), keeping Aborigines
under the thumb and for keeping Australia white, prosperous and free of
evils like communism and Asians. Later became a Sir and wrote several
books and has the Menzies
Foundation named after him.
Roy Smith
Roy Smith was an MP for the NSW Shooters Party and he reckoned
that children should start firearms training from age 10 and shooting
programs should become part of school curriculums.
Stephen Conroy
Stephen Conroy
Victorian Senator and Federal Communications Minister Stephen
Conroy, the man in charge of Australia's broadcasting standards, was speaking
at the National Press Club in Canberra in December 2011 about Australia
as a place to do business when he dropped the F-bomb.
The debate was being broadcast live on ABC TV just before a children's
TV show so he surprised a lot of people when he said; "If a tax goes
up, God, that is sovereign risk, but if a tax goes down that's f***ing
fantastic, excuse me, that is fantastic.''
Stuart Highway
Mr. Stuart Highway
(he's a bit hard to see under all that police)
Mr Highway was one of seven candidates running for mayor
in the Darwin City Council elections on May 29 2004 and has the idea to
make Darwin the Amsterdam of Australia by legalizing drugs. He says that
once he gets the job of Lord Mayor he will accelerate the Network Against
Prohibition campaign for the re-legalisation of all drugs that would attract
thousands of tourists from all around the globe. Cannabis will be sold
from local cafes and other drugs would be available from licensed sellers.
Stuart Highway was sentenced early October to 8 months jail for his involvement
in a Community Smoke-In held at Darwin in October 2002. The Smoke-in had
been organised by the drug law-reform group the Network
Against Prohibition (NAP), of which Mr Highway is a founding member.
NAP formed to oppose the Martin Government’s ‘drug
house’ legislation , this allows police to glue a 1.2 metre
high fluro green poster on your front door declaring your home a drughouse.
For more info on the 'Free Stuart Highway' campaign and on how you can
visit him in Berrimah Prison click
Terry Martin started his political career as Mayor of Glenorchy,
then in May 2004 became a member of the Australian Labor Party in Tasmania,
left the party to continue as an independent member, and next got convicted
for creating child pornography and having sex with a 12 year old girl.
Tom Koutsantonis
Tom Koutsantonis is the South Australian Road Safety Minister
but despite this impressive title he has built up a list of more than
30 traffic offences which include speeding, running red lights, using
mobile phone while driving etc. He had also lost his licence for three
months a few years ago.
Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott
Anthony John "Tony" Abbott was born in London
on 4 November 1957 and is currently the Leader of the Opposition in the
Australian House of Representatives and federal leader of the centre-right
Liberal Party of Australia, but very soon to be Australia's 28th Prime
Minister as a result of the September 2013 elections.
After the defeat of the Howard government at the 2007 federal election,
he was Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs until he resigned from Malcolm Turnbull's shadow cabinet on 26
November 2009 in protest against Liberal Party support for an Emissions
Trading Scheme.
His earlier pursuits in life included boxing, a stint as a journalist,
and studies for Catholic Priesthood, but this only earned him the "Mad
Monk" title and he moved on to other things. He also had a preggo
girlfriend when he was 19 years old, and although he did not keep in touch
with either her or the child that was adopted by others, amazingly enough
this child was decades later working for the ABC at Parliament House (it's
a small world, ain't it? but DNA test revelead that the girlfriend had
been rooting around as Tony was found to be not the father.
Tony is against gay marriage (although he has a lesbian sister), abortion
and euthanasia, which I personally find a backward train of thought, why
should you let people suffer more than animals when they are in pain and
going to die anyway?
In 1998, Tony established a trust fund called "Australians for Honest
Politics Trust" to help finance civil court cases against the One
Nation party and its founders, Pauline Hanson and David Ettridge. Prosecution
resulted in Hanson & Ettridge being imprisoned. The conviction against
Hanson was ultimately overturned and she was released from jail again.
The Abbott Coalition opposition was defeated at the 2010 federal election
by the incumbent Julia Gillard Labor government, who formed a minority
government after gaining support of an Australian Greens MP and three
independent MPs. Abbott was re-elected unopposed to the party leadership
following the election.
Tony worked hard to stop Julia (or Ju-Liar as he calls her) from introducing
her carbon tax and has promised to repeal the law when he becomes PM.
Tony did cop some criticism for the type of banners used at the carbon
tax protest rally, the banner DITCH THE WITCH with Julia flying on a broom
was considered to be not in good taste and Bob Brown did not appreciate
the big banner with the text " JULIAR, BOB BROWN'S BITCH". Fair
enough, Bob is gay so what would he want a female bitch for?
During the 2013 election campaign he copped some criticism for using the
word sex appeal in connection with a female party member. He laughed it
off as irrelevant but Kevin Rudd launched into a tirade that sexism has
no place in today's world, forgetting that only a few years ago he himself
was accused of touching strippers in a New York nightclub to which he
replied; I dunno, I was too drunk to remember...
Troy Buswell
Western Australian Liberal Party politician Troy Buswell
resigned as opposition leader in 2008 after sniffing the seat of a female
staff member, but continued his career and got in further trouble by snapping
another staff member's bra strap when he was drunk, several wrong travel
claims and an extra marital affair with Greens MP Adele Carles.
Warren Entsch
Warren Entsch
Warren Entsch is currently the Federal Member for Leichhardt
(Queensland north of Cairns) and Chief Opposition Whip.
Warren has spent most of his life living, working and travelling extensively
in Far North Queensland, making him fully aware of issues directly affecting
Queensland's northern-most residents.
One issue Warren has a strong opinion about is the lack
of electricity grid in the Daintree.
For many years consecutive state governments and Mike Berwick have denied
residents of the area north of the river from Alexandra Range to Cape
Tribulation the basic human right to have electricity connected to their
While for 17 years their mayor Mike Berwick lived north of the Daintree
river connected to mains power most other residents struggled to pay the
bills for diesel, generator repairs and replacements, batteries to make
their houses livable and their businesses operational. United Nations
has defined this type of struggle as Energy Poverty.
This situation continues today and while you are reading this masses of
generators are roaring guzzling three million litres of fuel per year
and pumping tonnes of carbon dioxide into world heritage listed rainforest.
Read more here about the pollution
in the Daintree, and more here about Daintree
Generators roaring and exhaust pipes pumping to provide what everyone
considers a basic human right in the 21st century; electricity!
While most politicians do not care about them the Daintree
residents are lucky to have Warren Entsch on their side, he has been a
driving force in solving the issue of energy poverty and pollution, the
Queensland GOvernment has now rescinded the Daintree Energy Policy that
stopped the grids, and now the way is clear to install an environmentally
friendly grid power system, thereby restoring and fulfilling human and
civil political rights to residents north of the Daintree River.
Warren's diverse career history has given him a unique insight when representing
his constituency in Canberra. He has worked as a railway porter, insurance
clerk, real estate salesman, fitter and turner with a mining company,
grazier, and crocodile farmer. He served Australia for nine years in the
RAAF as an aircraft engine fitter, and has been Chairman of the Cape York
Peninsula Advisory Group and the Peninsula Brach of the Cattlemen's Union
and was Vice Chairman of the Australian Crocodile Industry Association.
Warren Entsch resigned as the Parliamentary Secretary to devote more
time to his electorate prior to his retirement from politics at the 2007
election and to give him more time to spend with number one priority his
12 year-old-son and family.
For more info on Warren Entsch visit his official website.
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