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New South Wales Beaches


Sorry, we haven't got many pics of beaches in this state yet, if you have one please send it to us to put on this page.

Bondi Beach

You don't have to travel far to get to one of Australia's most famous beaches, Bondi Beach is right in Sydney!
This is where the beach volley ball events in the Sydney 2000 Olympics were held, despite protests from local residents that did not want their beach taken over by the big crowds.

Thanks to Kristin King from Texas for sending us these pics below (click to enlarge)

Bondi Beach Bondi Beach
Bondi Beach Bondi Beach

South West Rocks

Some beautiful beaches can be found around South West Rocks, a town located on the NSW north coast midway between Sydney and Brisbane. The pics below were shot around this town and can be found on

The view to Back Beach across Trial Bay.

Smoky Beach
North Smoky Beach is only accessible by walking trails.

Trial Bay Beach
Trial Bay Beach is great for small kids as it is west facing and protected from the ocean.

Front Beach
A surf carnival on Front Beach.






Have you got some pics of any amazing Australian beaches? Then send them to

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