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Amazing Australian Websitestasmania forest cleared for wood chips

Photo from , a website with a difference....

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Ban Bali

This website only lasted a few days, hackers kept putting rude images on it and governments were very unhappy with it so it is no longer online.
On the website you could register your pledge not to go there . They suggested you go to Fiji or Hawaii instead, we'd like to say stay in Australia, the north of Australia has the same climate, thanks to Richard Branson the flights are cheap now, the food won't give you Bali Belly and if baggagehandlers use your bags to ship drugs at least you can spend your time in a comfy Aussie jail close to home! Australia has some great destinations!!!

schapelle corby

Unless you have just been in a Nullarbor cave for the last year you would have heard about the holiday from hell that Schapelle Corby is having in Bali. When she arrived at Bali airport an airport official found 4.1 kg. of marijuana in her bag. Schapelle claims to know nothing about this, which makes sense, as why would you carry water to the sea? Normally drugs are smuggled the other way, the street market value of this marijuana is far and far higher in Australia than in Bali.
Another Australian has testified that he overheard prisoners talking that it was in internal shipment gone wrong, baggage handlers at the airport meant to move the drugs from Sydney to Brisbane using her bag but somebody forgot to remove it in Brisbane and it continued to Bali where it was found.
Since then more hard evidence has surfaced and arrests made amongst baggage handlers that were involved in drug shipments, and police officers have been implicated in this situation too.

Adult match maker

Half a million Aussies are members of this site so the chance of finding your perfect Aussie match are pretty good;


Many foreign companies have taken over Australian businesses and products, even icons like Vegemite. Though the government welcomes foreign investment there are other people that understand that this means that money and jobs will leave the country so they have put together and some regular printed publications to guide people in what is Australian made and Australian owned.

Brothel raffle

Some people play bingo, some play lotto, and others buy a ticket to win a brothel !

This is a website with a difference, rather than treating us to the usual tourist promotion dribble it gives us the rundown on how the Tasmanian government allows loggers to forever wipe out ancient eco-systems by clearing old forests to make wood chips! Read more about it...

Do Not Call

Tired of tele marketers ringing up wasting your time? Register your phone number on the website and all Australia based telemarketers have to stop ringing you!
It is doubtful that overseas telemarketers will look at this website so you will not stop calls completely. Some good advice to stop Indian nuisance callers; no, he is not here, he has gone away for six years and will be back in 2013 (confuses them completely), say you will get the person they want and just leave the phone lying around until they get bored and give up, be rude to them (a bit rude but it does work) or if a female is calling you ask her what color underwear she is wearing, or if any at all.

Free eating and drinking!

Get paid to eat and drink! About $40.- for a 1.5 hour session! Don't believe it? Go to to register, they will pay you for your feedback that manufacturers will use to develop or modify all sorts of products. If you "have to" drink alcohol they will even pay for your taxi home!

stunt in sydney new south wales

Assisted by his son, Sydney master of disaster Brian Concannon, 39, set himself alight before climbing on his mountain bike and cycling off the roof of a public toilet block on October 27 2003.
After the son had poured petrol over his father and set him on fire, he watched his enterprising dad ride across a plank leaning on two milk crates and launch himself off the end of the toilet block . Two mattresses had been placed on the ground that he missed, hitting his head on the ground and breaking his wrist and nose, still burning as he had not organized any helpers to douse the flames at the end of the stunt, fortunately the police had arrived by this time. While the nation at first thought this was a first time- one off stupidity it turned out Mr. Concannon makes a career out of this, as you can see on his website.

melbourne business that sells the moon

For only $59.- Aussies can now but themselves a quarter acre block on the moon at!

Magpie warnings

Thinking of going for a ride on your bicycle around Melbourne? Visit this website first, you would not be the first to end up in hospital being attacked by a magpie, this site will tell you where they nest.

toilets all over australia

Australia is well endowed with public toilets but to assist the elderly and disabled travellers the Government put together the wesbite that lists Australia's 14,295 public toilets. To make it even more high tech this dunny directory has now joined up with Google Earth to provide satellite images of the dunny locations! Bill Chapman, the president of the Australian Toilet Association , said that international toilet experts have been very excited about this website. If you are in a remote location with no internet cafe to go and look up the nearest urination location on this website you can also phone the national toilet hotline for free on 1800 990 646 from within Australia, or if you like to plan ahead you can ring them before your arrival in Australia from overseas on 61 3 6211 3230. You can also fax for the nearest dunny on 03 6211 3222 within Australia or from overseas on 61 3 6211 3222, or send an email to or call the translation line on 13 1450 if you want to ask for the nearest dunny if you don't speak English or Australian.

crocodile harry's dunny
This is Crocodile Harry's dunny in Coober Pedy

It is one of the most common heard complaints; the weather forecast had it wrong again! Well, now you can, if you reckon you can do it better, go to this website and post your weather forecast and even win a flight over Antarctica if you get it right!

(Last time I checked the site was down so have removed the link, will put it back up when the site is online again)

Do you know of ( or run ) an amazing Australian website? Then contact us!

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