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Daly Waters Pub

daly waters pub in the northern territory
Daly Waters publican Bruce keeps an eye on the fire during a cold winters day.


daly waters pub northern territory

The Daly Waters pub is a little bit off the Stuart Highway but well worth the short detour. The pub is filled with memorabilia left behind by people from all over the world and is a very pleasant place to rest from the long driving hours and enjoy a few coldies and some food. There is a camping area attached to the pub and just around the corner there is an airstrip, it does not get much traffic nowadays but once it used to be an overnight stop on the London-Sydney flights.

Below are some pics of the interior of this classic pub,

Daly Waters Pub in Northern Territory
Pics courtesy of Alfred Kuhn from Germany.
( Click pics to enlarge )

Daly Waters Pub in Northern Territory
Daly Waters Pub in Northern Territory


In June 2004 the pub caught fire one night and could have been destroyed had it not been for the efforts of its owners. The publicans ran to the house of volunteer bushfire brigade member David Stevenson, who keeps one of the township's fire trucks on his property. Amazingly enough he refused to help and said he was only trained to put out bushfires and not house fires, adding to this that ``he wouldn't help them anyway because they're a mob of bastards''. He told them to get in the fire truck and put out the blaze themselves. The fire caused $15,000 damage to the Daly Waters Pub but no historical memorabilia were destroyed in the blaze.
This did not go down well with other members of the community and a couple of days later he was bashed up by a gang of four men. He reported the incident to police but did not lodge a formal complaint, probably realizing he deserved it.




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